Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Florida Keys


            We could not have imagined a more fitting finale to our trip than the past five days in Islamorada, Florida. We were there to attend the wedding of two of our dearest friends, Alexis and Aaron.  It was an opportunity to relax, to reunite with old friends, to make new friends and most importantly to celebrate. 
            The wedding was held at a beautiful, large estate on the Atlantic side of the Island.  Descending from the back deck took one to the pool and beyond to the soft, sandy beach and the blue water of the Atlantic Ocean.  We had to pinch ourselves a couple of times to be reminded, that, “yes we truly are this lucky to be here.”
            Aaron and Alexis are both so absolutely sincere and kind, that it was no surprise to find that their networks of family and friends, many of whom we had not previously met, were delightful and quite a lot of fun to be around.  The wedding that resulted from this confluence of love and goodness can only be described as magical. 
            The wind had been blowing steady for the few days leading up to Saturday’s festivities.  This was quite refreshing really, given the heat of the South Florida sun.  Yet, there was some concern as to whether decorations would blow away and whether the music and speaking through the PA system would be heard. 
            As 7:00 pm approached, the final preparations were underway and the guests were filing in.  Johanna was busy taking pictures and I was spending a few reflective moments alone on the dock that would serve as the ceremony site.  I believe I was as nervous, or perhaps more-so than the wedded couple to be.  Before we left on our three month journey, Alexis and Aaron had asked me to officiate their nuptials.  I was honored beyond words.  I have enjoyed spending time during our trip composing my remarks for the ceremony, and Johanna had been helping me practice.  I was feeling good, but still, this being one of the most important days in the lives of two of my favorite people on this planet, I was feeling a great deal of internal pressure as the start time drew nearer. 

            At different times throughout this blog, I have referred to my belief that there really are no coincidences in this life.  I believe that we create our reality, and that if one chooses, life can be viewed as a string of miracles.  Thus, I was not at all surprised, when, at 7:00 as Aaron and his brother Luke began playing the intro music, the wind stopped.  Aaron’s performance was beautiful and culminated with Alexis rappelling from the house’s upper balcony to be escorted down the aisle by her father.

           The next twenty or so minutes passed in an instant, yet, I can vividly remember every beautiful moment.  As I watched our friends recess back down the aisle as husband and wife, I felt so much love.  For Alexis and Aaron, their families and friends, my wife and for the abundant Universe that provided me the opportunity to take part in such an incredible experience.

           The rest of the night was filled with joy and laughter that flowed effortlessly.  So effortlessly indeed that it was no surprise when many of the attendees retired afterward to a nearby tiki bar for dancing and more dancing (and even some ladies dancing on stage with the band…one of whom was definitely my hot wife…I have pictures to prove it;)  As a wise singer from the 80’s once said, “Oh what a night…”
            When the dust settled, three things were certain:  Aaron and Alexis, the awesome team that they are, were officially joined in marriage; Beebs and Jo, also an awesome team, had successfully completed a three month trip around the world; and absolutely anything is possible.  As Walter quotes so eloquently in The Big Lebowski, “If you will it Dude, it is no dream.”

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